Principles and concept of lighting installation

Street lighting concept: basic requirements

You can not approach the device of street lighting with the basic principles of internal. There are a lot of differences, although too economical summer residents who consider their own opinion to be higher than the professional skills of the craftsmen are not sure about this. People are ready to install ordinary switches, sockets and light bulbs on the street, in conditions of direct and constant exposure to the atmospheric environment. Indeed, it is easier and cheaper to find old used electrical equipment in the barn, but whether it will work efficiently and safely is a completely different question!

First of all, without touching on the choice of expensive accessories and components, as well as well-known manufacturers with a 2-5 year warranty on products, it is necessary to clarify the terms of use. And they are extremely unfavorable:

  • Increased humidity. Rain and snow, dew on the surface of lighting fixtures and connections, main components. All this is fraught not only with accelerated oxidation and corrosion, but also with short circuits that lead to failures and create dangerous situations;
  • Обычный и ураганный ветер с сильными порывами, град – повышение механических воздействий и разнообразных нагрузок на лампы, плафоны, корпус осветительного оборудования, что может привести не только к поломке, но и разрушению, падению электрооборудования и аксессуаров;
  • Solar exposure, which can affect low-cost plastic parts, especially with temperature extremes in late winter and early spring - cooling by night frosts and overheating by daytime sun. As a result, cheap materials crack, crumble!

Installation of street lighting should include high-quality anti-vandal protection, direct access to the main components and even lamps for the possibility of their quick replacement. But in addition to combining all the qualities according to the above stated requirements, each individual device must, first of all, fit into the landscape design, correctly illuminate the territory!

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